Inserting videos in articles

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You can insert videos in the body of your Help Center knowledge base articles, either through the article editor toolbar, or by embedding code in your article.

Inserting videos from the article editor toolbar

Guide supports a number of third-party video hosting services as standard. If your video is hosted on one of the following supported video hosting services, you can insert directly from the article editor toolbar:

  • Vimeo
  • YouTube
  • Wistia
  • JWPlayer
  • Brightcove
  • Vidyard
  • Loom

If you are using Web Widget on your website or Help Center, your end-users can stream videos in Help Center articles directly in the Web Widget. To display correctly in the Web Widget, videos must be publicly available, and hosted on one of the supported third-party services.

To insert a video in an article using the article editor toolbar

  1. Copy the URL for your video.

    Your video must be hosted on Vimeo, YouTube, Wistia, JWPlayer, Brightcove, Vidyard, or Loom. If your video is on one of the supported services, you can use this procedure to insert your video. You do not need to enable the option to allow unsafe content in your Help Center to do so.

    If your video is not hosted on a supported provider, you’ll need to insert the video by embedding code).

  2. In Help Center or Guide Admin, edit an existing article or create a new article.
  3. Place your cursor where you want the video to appear, then click Add video on the editor’s toolbar.

    Add video button

  4. Paste the video’s URL in the dialog box.

    A preview of the video appears.

    Add video

  5. Click Insert.
  6. When you are ready, click Save.

Inserting videos by embedding code

If your video is hosted on a non-supported service, use the article source code editor to add the video’s embed code to insert the video. Be aware that this means you must allow unsafe HTML (see Allowing unsafe HTML in pages).

Some third-party video hosting services do not count video views unless you have manually embedded the code to insert the video. Use the embed method if you need to track video views as part of your analytics.

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