Applying user segments to community content

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By default community discussion topics are visible to all users. You can prevent some users from viewing the content of certain topics.

You can configure a topic to restrict access to signed-in users or to agents and managers. You can also apply custom user segments you’ve created to further restrict access based on tags, organizations, or groups (see Creating user segments to restrict access).

You must be a Guide Manager to set access restrictions for community topics. Viewing restrictions do not apply to Guide Managers. Managers can access all topics in the community, regardless of the restrictions.

To restrict access to a community topic

  1. Navigate to the topic in the community that you want to restrict.
  2. Click Edit topic in the top menu bar.

    Edit topic

  3. Select a User segment to determine who can access this section.

    You can choose to:

    • Restrict access to signed-in users
    • Restrict access to agents and managers to create internal-only access
    • Restrict access based on tags, organizations, or groups by applying a custom user segment (see Creating user segments to restrict access)
  4. Click Update.

To set access restrictions in the knowledge base, see Setting view permissions on articles with user segments.

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